May 5, 2005


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozier with Reverend Darrell Bailey, the pastor of the Bloomingdale First Baptist Church, leading in prayer.  Reverend Bailey stated that today was being recognized as “National Day of Prayer” with special emphasis being placed on prayer by many citizens across the country including the President of the United States.  Reverend Bailey stated that there were five (5) areas that we, as a nation, needed to keep in our prayers: 1) our government and military, 2) the media, 3) the educational system, 4) our churches, and 5) the family.  Mayor Rozier proclaimed May 5, 2005 as “National Day of Prayer” in Bloomingdale, Georgia after the reading of the proclamation by Reverend Bailey.


The minutes of the April 21, 2005 meeting were reviewed and Councilman Ray made a motion to approve them.  Councilman Waller seconded the motion it passed with five affirmative votes.  (Councilman Wedincamp was not present at the April 21st meeting, so he did not vote on approval of these minutes)




Attorney Dickey reported that there was no new information regarding the City’s lawsuit against EPD.


The Mayor stated that the City received notification from Barbara Seal with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division on April 12, 2005 that Bloomingdale’s revised Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) had been reviewed and approved.


Mayor Rozier advised council that he and members of the General Services Committee had met with Thomas & Hutton Engineering this week and discussed the progress they had made on the data collection phase of the Drainage Master Plan for Bloomingdale.  The engineers reported that they had submitted a map for the committee’s review of the current drainage system in the City and were preparing some information regarding problem areas they feel can be addressed prior to the initiation of the county-wide drainage plan in our area.  The Mayor reported that the engineers hoped to have their information available for submission to council by the July meeting.




Council was informed that R.B. Baker is requesting permission for the issuance of a temporary permit to place an office trailer with a cyclone fence around its perimeter at #1446 W. Hwy 80 for 12 to 18 months during construction of State DOT Project #STP-005-5(28).  The property is zone RA-1 and there is a mobile home currently on the property.  Council was advised that they would have to authorize the issuance of the permit since a structure already exists on the property and it is not zoned for commercial use.  The Mayor recognized Gene Oglesby who was present at the meeting to represent R.B. Baker.  Mr. Oglesby reported that normally, the contractor tries to use DOT property, but there was none available in this area.  It was noted that the property the contractor is asking to use belongs to Dexter Shearouse.  Mr. Oglesby was asked about their plans to move the trailer, equipment and debris after completion of the project and he assured council that everything, including the fencing, would be moved within 30 to 60 days after the project was finished.  Mr. Oglesby was advised that there are some permitting requirements that the contractor would have to meet.  Councilman Waller made a motion to approve the issuance of the temporary permit for a period of 12 to 18 months with the understanding that the office trailer, fencing, and all debris and equipment will be removed from the premises within 60 days of the completion of the project.  Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


The Mayor presented a request from Glenda Key for a home occupation license to operate an in-home beauty shop at her residence currently being constructed at #305 Miller Street.  Council was advised that the property is zoned R-1 which allows beauty shops as a “conditional use” and Ms. Key is providing off street parking for the customers.  Ms. Key stated that she only plans to have a single chair and will be open to customers about two and one-half days a week.  It was noted that a public hearing needed to be held to receive citizen input on the request and Ms. Key was advised that it would be a good idea for her to contact the surrounding neighbors and let them know of her plans since they would be getting notice of the hearing.  Councilman Tyler made a motion to hold a public hearing on the home occupation license request during the May 19, 2005 council meeting.  Councilman Myrick seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Council was advised that the City has received a request from Jimmy Kerby for a well permit to serve his residence being constructed at #208 Adams Road; however, Mr. Kerby was not present at the meeting.  The Mayor postponed this agenda item until later in the meeting, however, when Mr. Kerby did not come in, several council members expressed their concern about approving the request without his being present.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Tyler made a motion to table any action on the request until Mr. Kerby could attend the meeting and Councilman Ray seconded the motion.  The motion passed with Council members Johnson, Myrick, Ray, Tyler, and Wedincamp voting for the motion.  Councilman Waller voted against the motion.


Mayor Rozier presented a resolution for council’s approval authorizing The Board of Elections of Chatham County Georgia to perform all duties as municipal superintendent of elections, except qualification of candidates, and appointing The Board of Registrars of Chatham County to handle the absentee ballots for the November 8, 2005 General Election.  Attorney Dickey stated that he had reviewed the resolution and found it to be in order.  Councilman Tyler made a motion to adopt the resolution, Councilman Waller seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


The Mayor recognized Jane Graham who made a presentation on behalf of Buddy Carter of a “Pulse-O-Meter” to Fire Chief Ferman Tyler to be used by the Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Department’s emergency staff.


Mayor Rozier reported that this concluded the items that had been presented by the April 29, 2005 agenda deadline.


Committee reports: 


Councilman Wedincamp stated that other than needing some members on the Planning & Zoning Commission who would attend the monthly meetings; there was nothing else to report from the Planning & Licensing Committee.  The Mayor stated that Earl Newman had advised him that there were some abandoned vehicles on the property next to him and would like to know if the City could do anything about getting them moved.  Attorney Dickey reported that he would review the City’s abandoned vehicle ordinance and advise council of the steps that would need to be taken to enforce it.  After this discussion, David Wingate advised council that the vehicles were on his property and he would see that they were removed. Councilman Ray reported that budget preparation was underway for FY 2005-2006.  Councilman Tyler stated that he did not have anything to report from the water department, but commented that the Code Books had been distributed and it was his understanding the City’s Ordinances would soon be on the internet.  Chief Gossett advised council that the construction of the public safety building was well underway. 


Mayor Rozier stated that he would like to make one last change to the committee appointments and asked Councilman Waller if he would chair the Public Safety Committee and he agreed.  The Mayor advised council that he would resume the duties as Chairman of the Personnel Committee.


The Mayor reported that appointments to the Ethics Committee needed to be updated.  His initial appointee, Troy Fields, had moved out of the City and he wanted to appoint Reverend Darrell Bailey to serve on the committee.  The Mayor noted that another member, Joy Smith, had also moved and stated that the committee would need to present some nominees for council’s consideration.


Councilman Ray made a motion to approve payment of the bills, Councilman Waller seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Being no further business, Councilman Waller made a motion to adjourn at 7:20pm.  Councilman Ray seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Mayor Rozier and all council members were present at the meeting.