July 1, 2009




The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tipton with Councilman Ray leading in prayer.


Mayor Tipton stated that the purpose of the called meeting was to conduct an executive session for the discussion of litigation and property acquisition.


Councilman Ray made a motion to adjourn into executive session, Councilwoman Winn seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


At the conclusion of the executive session, Councilman Myrick made a motion to return to the general session, Councilman Ray seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.  Note:  Councilman Waller had to leave prior to the conclusion of the executive session.


Councilman Rawlings made a motion to adjourn at 7:45pm, Councilman Ray seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.


Mayor Tipton stated that the July 16, 2009 council agenda would include a request from Cortland Partners for council’s consideration to proceed with implementation of water/sewer agreements to serve their property on Pine Barren Road or to de-annex a 4 acre portion of the development located in Bloomingdale to the City of Pooler.


Mayor Tipton and all councilmembers attended the called council meeting.  Councilman Waller had to leave prior to the conclusion of the executive session.



Note:  Section § 50-14-1 of the Official Code of the State of Georgia Annotated requires that the minutes shall, as a minimum, include a description of each motion or other proposal made, and a record of all votes.  These minutes meet the minimum requirements.  However, in an attempt to provide as much information as possible to the citizens, the recording clerk has included additional background data and discussion on the subjects presented to council.  The statements of individuals are not verbatim and may be summary in nature.