Official minutes of the April 7, 2016 Council Meeting

Approved by City Council at the April 21, 2016 Meeting


The council meeting was called to order by Vice Mayor Kerby with Councilman Myrick giving the invocation.   Councilmembers Griffin, Grizzard, Kerby, Key, Myrick, Otto, Attorney Raymond Dickey, City Administrator Charles Akridge and City Clerk Diane Proudfoot were present. 


Councilman Grizzard made a motion to approve the draft copy of the minutes of the March 17th council meeting.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the agenda of the April 7, 2016 meeting with the addition of an Executive Session to discuss real estate.  Councilman Otto seconded the motion and it passed without opposition. 



Vice Mayor Kerby opened the public hearing to receive citizen input regarding a Preliminary Commercial Subdivision Plan submitted by Michael Wedincamp for a Major Subdivision consisting of eight lots for property located on Adams Road.

The follow comments were received:

Michael Wedincamp – 2301 Hwy 80 Bloomingdale, Georgia stated that the property is 26 acres and is located in a C-2 Zoning District; the subdivision plan is for eight commercial lots; DOT has agreed to give a turning lane into the existing Hwy 80 property which will join up to the subdivision, DOT has also agreed on an acceleration lane going out of the existing Hwy 80 property, a divided entrance with crosswalk and an eastbound turning lane into the Hwy 80 property,  the construction plans for the roads in the subdivision will be 80,000 pound roads which would handle heavy truck traffic should there be a need for truck traffic; 

Councilman Kerby stated there were concerns from citizens regarding the buffer along Adams Road and would like a 30’ buffer; Mr. Wedincamp stated that 30’ would be a lot to cut out of that lot and the ordinance only requires 10’ but he would look into it;

Councilman Myrick questioned if there were any intentions to use Adams Road for truck traffic and Mr. Wedincamp stated that there would be signs placed in the development identifying the weight limit on Adams Road; 

City Administrator Akridge stated that a written report has been received from the City Engineer, Tim Baumgartner of HHNT which addresses five stipulations that should be included when there is a motion;

Citizen Martin Collins questioned if commercial traffic would be using Adams Road and was informed that the future plans are for trucks to enter from Highway 80;

Citizen Ronald Waller ask for clarification of the 30’ buffer on Adams Road and Mr. Wedincamp again stated that 30’ would cut a lot from lot one and the plan meets the 10’ buffer as required by the ordinance;

Planning Commission Chair Shearouse stated that the landscape plans include a 10’ planted buffer with trees every 40’ and hedges in between the trees which is in accordance with the ordinance;

Attorney Dickey stated that this is a Preliminary Subdivision Plan approval and the developer would have to meet the site plan approval process;

There being no further comments Vice Mayor Kerby closed the public hearing.



Councilman Grizzard ask History Society President Myrick to report on the Easter Egg Hunt which she stated it was a great

turnout with well over 130 or more, all the food was given out, the egg hunt went great and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.

Councilwoman Griffin reported that soccer season began last week and softball and baseball will begin on Monday; this year is the first year the department has been totally full.




  1. Consider a Preliminary Commercial Subdivision Plan submitted by Michael Wedincamp for property located at Highway 80 and Adams Road for a Major Subdivision consisting of eight commercial lots.  Councilwoman Griffin made a motion to approve the subdivision with the stipulations that a 15’ buffer be installed along Adams

Road to increase density and incorporate the five comments from the Engineer Baumgartner.  Councilman Otto seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.

  1. Consider Bid Award for City owned property at Wildcat Dam Road and Hwy 80.  Councilman Otto made a motion to reject the bids and readvertise for bids.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  2. Consider Designated Holiday for City Employees.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve July 1, 2016 as the designated holiday.  Councilman Otto seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  3. Consider repeal of the Garage Sales Ordinance.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to repeal the Garage Sales Ordinance and to waive the first reading.  Councilman Grizzard seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  4. Consider repeal of the Recreation Executive Board Ordinance.  Councilwoman Griffin made a motion to repeal the Recreation Executive and waive the first reading.  Councilman Myrick seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  5. Consider establishing an Industrial Water and Sewer Rates for the Prologis Morgan Business Center properties.  Councilman Otto made a motion to establish Water and Sewer rates for all Industrial Properties to go into effect immediately.  Councilwoman Key seconded the motion and it passed without opposition
  6. Consider installation of speed bumps on East Cregor Street.(Petition)  City Administrator Akridge stated that residents in the 200, 300 and 400 block of East Cregor Street have presented a petition requesting the installation of speed bumps in this area.  Councilman Otto made a motion to approve the installation of the speed bumps in the requested area pending the design.  Council Grizzard seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  7. Consider a Home Occupation License application (Office Only) submitted by Glynn Myrick at 14 Douglas Court.  Mr. Myrick stated that he remodels bathrooms and wishes to have the office at his home.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to issue the office only home occupation license and waive the public hearing.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.


Councilman Myrick made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss real estate.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.


At the conclusion of the executive session, Councilman Myrick made a motion to return to the general session and execute the affidavit as required by the Open Meetings Law.  Councilman Otto seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.  

Councilman Grizzard made a motion to purchase 2.05 acres of tax deed property on East Main Street from Drifton LLC in the amount of $12,720.  Councilman Otto seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.


The accounts payables were presented with Councilman Myrick making a motion to pay the bills, Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.


There being no further business, Councilman Otto made a motion to adjourn at 7:39pm.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.


Respectfully submitted,


Diane Proudfoot, City Clerk


Note:  Section § 50-14-1 of the Official Code of the State of Georgia Annotated requires that the minutes shall, as a minimum, include a description of each motion or other proposal made, and a record of all votes.  These minutes meet the minimum requirements.  However, in an attempt to provide as much information as possible to the citizens, the recording clerk has included additional background data and discussion on the subjects presented to council.  The statements of individuals are not verbatim and may be summary in nature.