Called Council Meeting

June 30, 2006





The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tipton who stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss a priority list for submission to the county for the 2008/2013 SPLOST funding.

Council was advised that according to information received from Commissioner Kicklighter, we should submit projects with totals of between $4,000,000 & $5,000,000.  Several projects were discussed.  The list included land acquision-$300,000; Street improvements-$950,000 Stagecoach Rd & $200,000 Osteen Road; Recreation-$700,000 for new field, park and parking at community building; drainage improvements-$500,000; capital projects-$400,000 shop & $100,000 equipment; public safety-$175,000; fire safety building-$750,000 & $200,000 equipment; and water/sewer-$100,000 improvements to lift station.  The list totaled $4,175,000.


Council agreed to submit a preliminary list as follows:


Local Street Improvements    $   950,000

Public Safety                          $1,125,000

Drainage Improvements         $   500,000

Recreation Projects                $   700,000

Water/Sewer                           $   100,000

Other Capital Projects             $   800,000


Being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned.


Minutes were provided by Councilman Johnny Myrick